In the Spring of 2020, when everyone got sent home, I chose to go back to My parents’ house. This is the place I spent most of my childhood. I was taking a Drawing III class, and this was the last art class of my undergrad career. My final project in my final art class. This was in the middle of a world pandemic. I knew what I needed to do. I had to give back to my parents who have given so much to me and continue to do so. The project parameters were pretty open. I had to go big (larger than 60 sq. ft.) or I had to make a piece matching a previous work of mine from class. This piece did both.

I used Sharpie Oil Paint Markers as my medium and free handed everything you see here. This had been years of practice in the making. I did my signature Positive Vibrations pattern in metallic gold and silver on top of their already red wall. I finished the piece with black and white line work over the top.

I completed this piece in a span of two weeks while rekindling old friendships in my hometown and spending time with parents in between working on the wall. Many lessons were learned, or reiterated, and so I titled this work “Remember What is Important.” In times of hardship, I still come back to this work as a reminder to myself of why I make art and who I do it for. It was a special time and this was a very special project that I feel so grateful to have been able to create. Always, remember what is important to you.


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