What is PAL’s?

PAL’s is an acronym for People Actively Living. It is a luxury home and lifestyle brand promoting self-advocacy and self-betterment for the people. We make handmade one-of-a-kind art as a means to spread our message. Our merchandise is designed with style, comfort, and quality in mind to ensure ultimate satisfaction when representing the People Actively Living.

What does it mean to be a Person Actively Living?

active independent decision making is a foundational part of our cause for existence. You are your biggest asset, and you should have a say in how you live your life. A PAL lives their life actively trying to help themselves while simultaneously uplifting others. Simple, but if it was easy, then everyone would do it.

Can I be a PAL?

YES! The more PALs the better. There is no secret initiation, simply follow these instructions. Love. Do your best. Work on what is, not what If. Our time is valuable, and we should spend it doing what we can while we can. Lastly, have fun. We live on a rock that gravitates around a hurling ball of fire in a seemingly infinite space. Don’t take it for granted. We are all we’ve got, and we are all we need.

Who is PAL’s?

The premise of PAL’s is that anyone can be a PAL if they choose to do so. People Actively Living. together, we are PAL’s.